UAP History


It is not if they exist, but who or what are they? Many ask, what world are they from but the real question could be, what realm are they from?

Major General Wilfried De Brouwer – Belgian Air Force: “These objects give the impression they want to be seen, with these enormous spotlights, there is no way they were trying to hide. So why, that is the main question, why do these objects want to be seen?”

1947 June 24th – Kenneth Arnold – Mt. Rainier, Washington The first documented sighting of UFO’s on American soil.

“I kept looking for their tails; they did not have any tails. I thought something might be wrong with my eyes. They seemed to flip and flash in the sun like a mirror. I’d be glad to confirm with my hands on a Bible because I did see it and whether it has anything to do with our Army or intelligence or whether it had something to do with some foreign entity, I don’t know.”

After this there was many more sightings that year as one pilot and his crew reported 9 discs maneuvered in formation for a full 45 minutes and from there it just exploded. The first few days in July 1947 had a very level of exciting activity.

These unknown objects barnstormed across the country, sometimes in fleet like formation that looked like a deliberate show of force.

When Bill Clinton was sworn in as President, a very influential individual, Laurance Rockefeller hoped for an opportunity to take advantage of a new administration and finally get the truth about UFO’s. Mr. Rockefeller had very heightened interest in the issue. He met with Clinton’s Science Advisor, Dr. Jack Gibbons with a request to investigate the controversial topic of UFO’s. Rockefeller was given a choice of events to investigate, and he chose the 1947 Roswell incident.

1947 Roswell – Bill Brazel – Son of Rancher that first discovered the object:

Bill Brazel: “According to my dad, there was a bad thunderstorm the night before. The next day he was out on the ranch and he found this debris.”

Interviewer: “The disc landed at a ranch at Corona, New Mexico. And the rancher turned it over to the Air Force.”

Major Jesse Marcel – Base Chief Intelligence Officer, Roswell Army Air Field, was dispatched to the ranch to investigate.

Major Marcel: “We had to follow the rancher out there. With just verbal directions, we never would have found it.”

Marcel and another officer were the first to arrive at the crash site. They came upon an expanse of unrecognizable debris, it was spread across an area the size of a dozen football fields.

Major Marcel: “There was so much of it. It was scattered over such a vast area.  We found a piece of metal about 1 ½ ft by 3 ft. It felt like you had nothing in your hand. It wasn’t any thicker than the foil of a pack of cigarettes. The thing that got me is that you couldn’t even bend it, could not dent it, even though a sledgehammer would bounce off it.”

Marcel was ordered immediately to transport the strange wreckage to Fort Worth Army airfield. There, Marcel was met by the company commander Brig. Gen. Roger Ramey, who told him to keep silent, in the face of what was becoming a media frenzy.

Major Marcel: “They had a whole flock of microphones there and wanted some comments from me, but I wasn’t that good and did not do that.”

Marcel was instead ordered to pose in front of foil, wood and rubber debris from a conventional weather balloon.

Major Marcel: “All I could do was keep my mouth shut. General Ramey was the one that told the newspapers what it was and to forget about it, it was nothing more than an observation balloon. Of course, we both knew differently.”

Col. Thomas DuBose was also ordered to pose with the fake debris describes how an iron curtain of secrecy slammed down.

Col. DuBose: “This is the highest priority you can exhibit, and you will say nothing…. More than top-secret he said, it’s beyond that. This is the story we’re gonna tell the public. It was a cover story, the balloon part of it. In order we don’t have any more inquiries about what we picked up on the desert.”

1994 September Col. Richard L. Weaver, USAF – Director, Special Program Oversite:

The Air Force Issued its response: “The Roswell Report – CASE CLOSED”. The Air Force claimed it was a secret project of weather balloons hung with box kites and microphones to spy on Soviet nuclear tests.

The Air Force nearly 50 years later was basically telling the same tale, that the top security personnel of the world’s only atomic bombing wing, really had mistaken this rubber, wood and tin foil for a crashed flying saucer.

Major Marcel: “It was not anything from this earth, I am quite sure of.”

1950 – May 11th McMinnville, Oregon:  UFO CREDIBLE FARMERS THAT SAW IT, Paul and Evelyn Trent

Evelyn was feeding her rabbits when she spotted a metallic disc-shaped object floating over their farm. She alerted her husband Paul to grab his camera, and he managed to get two shots.  They described the object slowly hovering before it abruptly sped away. Life magazine picked up the story, and the McMinnville UFO became a global sensation.

There was no chance of this being weather, no chance of it being a star or aircraft. This is either some kind of structured object that we don’t know what it is.

Paul’s friends say they were honest, simple, hardworking people that never made a dime off the photograph they took. They never tried to make a dime off it.

Evelyn Trent:  “it just come up like that and tipped and I mean really went off. It went fast. I never seen anything in my life go so fast as that thing went. Yep.”

1950s Radio News Broadcast:

General Nathan Twining, the Air Force Chief of Staff: if there are saucers from Mars or Jupiter or some far-off planet and if there is a people in a world that far ahead of us, he doesn’t believe we even have to worry about it.”

But a then secret memorandum by the same general (Sept. 23, 1947) suggested the highest military echelon thought there was plenty to worry about. The memo states “The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.” It went on and described metallic discs “Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top. They are often traveling in formations of 3-9 craft. It also listed aerodynamic capabilities with disturbing implications for national defense. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly air-craft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled manually, automatically or remotely.”

The public was anticipating that the government was about to announce some new developments they had been testing, and now it is time to tell people about it.

1951 – Future astronaut Gordon Cooper while training in Germany chased a large formation with his squadron of fighter jets:

Gordon: “Unlike fighters, they would stop…. almost stop in their forward velocity and change 90 degrees, sometimes in their flight path. And within the next two or three days we had practically all the fighters we could muster on the base up climbing as high as they would climb with guys that have binoculars with them, still trying to spot these strange devices flying overhead. We never could get close enough really to pin them down, but they were round in shape and very metallic looking. And they would come over and do the same maneuvers that we made and sometimes every once in a while one would zip and be gone, and you just cannot do that in a fighter.”

Commercial pilots William Nash and William Fortenberry flying at 8,000 feet saw flying saucers in formation at 6,000 feet below. These former Navy aviators with thousands of hours of flight experience saw 8 huge discs fly in a stack formation over Chesapeake Va., just a stone’s throw from Washington DC.

They claim the objects were flying at 6,000 to 12,000 miles per hour. And claim they came in and left in a 30 degree “V” shaped pattern and made the turnaround without pause.

William Nash (video interview) Pan American pilot: There would have been no way of making speed reversal or 90-degree turn at 12,000 mph or greater without making the occupants juice on the wall” “ that really shook us up, just looking at the things shook us up….. Nothing could have gotten to that degree of scientific progress without some of the intermediate steps having become public knowledge….. You just knew that they were not from this planet.”


Rev. William Gill – Missionary, Papua, New Guinea, an Australian missionary witnesses a strange disc hovering just 200 feet off the ground while standing with 38 other people.

Rev. Gill: “This solid looking object, and can you imagine what is like to look up in the sky and see some figures up there?”

All were amazed to see 4 small occupants dressed in what looked like black diving suits.

Rev. Gill: “Figures, walking about on top and not the slightest noise whatsoever. So we waved, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could get this object down onto the playing field, and as we waved, wondering whether we would get some recognition and perhaps they would understand what we wanted, they waved back.”

The encounter lasted several hours before the object abruptly departed

Rev. Gill: “There was this amazingly incredible speed that the whole craft just disappeared to nothing across the bay, in a matter of a second or so.”

1964 April – Socorro, New Mexico – THE CASE THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING:

Officer Lonnie Zamora: “Well, I was chasing a car up Park Street for reckless driving. I saw this big cloud of smoke. So I decided to let go of the car and go up there and investigate. By the time I got there, I could see a big white object sitting in the arroyo. I couldn’t tell what it was at first….. My radio was dead and it didn’t work at all. I could see some figures…. looked like they were walking around the craft there.”

They appeared to be dressed in white coveralls, and were childlike, that is small. One was in front, the other in back. One of the two persons at the UFO, whose back was to him, turned his head and looked straight at him.

Zamora: “When I got out of the car, about 50 feet from them, I guess they saw me because they started their motor or whatever it was and had a big blast of fire coming from right under it….. I was poised behind some bushes behind my car. I could see it and feel the heat. That really got me scared, you know. A lot of people say why didn’t you take your gun out and shoot at it but it didn’t do nothing to me.”

“It took a little bit for it to get airborne and came up about 20 or 30 feet and stayed there a while….. it was just as quite as it could be..… and then it just flew away.”

Pablo Lopez – Son of Dispatch Officer – One of the first to arrive at the take-off and landing site – 

Lopez: “Lonnie was very, very scared and white as a sheet. From the site he went directly to the Church and talked to the Priest…. the ground was still smoldering and the surrounding weeds.”

The landing gear imprints could be seen when he arrived.

Lopez: “There were two sets of footprints about 4-5 inches long.”

Within an hour, and over the next several days, officials from the FBI, Military and Project Blue Book documented the evidence at the scene.

The level of inquiry went all the way to the Office of the President. To this day, the Socorro close encounter remains unexplained. This case convinced them that there were UFO landings in the United States.

1966 April – Australia

During the 50s and 60s, it wasn’t just the Americans that were seeing flying saucers.

At the Westall School in Australia: Several hundred students saw an object hovering over a power line tower at their athletic field. An event they vividly recall 50 years later.

Marilyn Smith: “A student came into the classroom yelling a flying saucer is in the oval, and everybody ran out, and I remember the fear and the hysteria of the students.”

Paul Smith: “I could not believe it, what I was seeing wasn’t possible.”

Genevieve Hindman: “It was vertical and horizontal, moving away from us, back toward us. It would appear somewhere else, then somewhere else.”

Dee Sadikay: “It all of a sudden just turned on its side and I could tell it was a round disc.”

The children saw the disc begin to descend into nearby wooded reserve at the end of the school’s running path.

Terry Peck: “I ran towards the corner of the school and jumped the fence and ran towards where it looked like it went down into the trees and then stopped dead because it was right in front of me on the ground…..  It was like a disc with a slight rise in the middle. I also heard a humming noise and felt a bit of heat coming off it as well….. And it started to take off pretty well straight away, with all bluey-purple type of lights all around the bottom…. I don’t remember seeing any windows, and it took off for about 4 or 5 minutes in the air and then turned on its side and just went zoom, straight up in the air so fast that there is just nothing that even now today that could go that fast.”

Colin Kelly: “Shortly after the object departed, the authorities converged on the school. We had Army, Air Force, Police down there cordoning off the area to prevent any of us entering the area or disturbing anything.”

Suesan Hill: “We were called to assembly, and the Headmaster said, you have not seen this, you do not talk it or you will be in trouble if you do.”

For the first time ever the school science teacher agreed to describe what he saw that day, providing we concealed his identity.

Science Teacher: “It was not a mirage; it was something physical in the sky. It was silver, it could hover, it could mover very slowly and it could move very rapidly. Eventually, it moved away to the other side of the oval, and down behind some pine trees. I was not then or ever have been able to use my knowledge of the world or my scientific training to provide a rational explanation.”

What he said next sheds light on why the school’s staff remain silent all these years.

Science Teacher: “There was a knock on the door one night. Two older men, one in uniform, asked my description of what I had seen. I was then told I hadn’t seen anything, but I had made it all up, possibly because I was drunk and that they would have to report that back to the education department, and that I would lose my job. After that, I was told that I would be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act and I was told that there wasn’t anything there when I knew there was. I had to keep quiet about it…. Why did I have to keep quiet?”

1966 – Great falls Montana incident:

Amid growing pressure, the Airforce commissioned an outside panel of scientists to analyze select cases and settle the matter once and for all. It was headed by physicist Edward Condon. After the project was launched, Condon remarked to an audience that he thought the UFO subject was nonsense but, “I‘m not supposed to reach that conclusion for another year.”

After a two-year investigation, the panel submitted a massive 1,400 page report showing that many cases were radar and weather anomalies, but confirming a number as truly unexplainable. Among them were the famous McMinnville photos taken on the Trent family farm, as well as film footage of UFO’s in Great Falls Montana.

Nick Mariana-Baseball Team Manager: “As I looked up, I saw two silvery objects moving swiftly out of northwest no sound except I thought I heard a whooshing sound when I first saw them. The discs appeared to be spinning like a top and were about 50 feet across, which was much slower than the jets that shot by shortly after I filmed the discs. I could not see any exhaust, wings, or any kind of fuselage. They appeared to be of a bright shiny metal, like polished silver.”

Dr. David Saunders – Condon Committee Member:

Dr. Saunders: “There are cases that are not explainable in conventional terms. There is the assumption of intelligence or intelligent control, but not necessarily of the assumption of direct communication…..  why are they here? What are they doing, what do they want from us? What are their motivations?”

But it was Dr. Condon that wrote the final word: Note, this killed more investigation and money going to the issue.

Dr. Condon: “There appears to be no verified and fully satisfactory evidence of any case that is clearly outside the framework of presently known science and technology.”

Col. William T. Coleman – Public Information, Project Blue Book: “What we were looking at was beyond our current state of knowledge.”

Dr. James E. McDonald – Atmospheric Physicist: “But it began to hit me that Dr. Condon has apparently not read his own material very carefully. If you do an actual tabulation, which it seems he has not done, you find the percentage of unexplained is 5-6 times larger than the Air Force and yet what is his principal recommendation? The principal recommendation that Dr. Condon is comfortable with is there is nothing of scientific interest that warrants further attention on the part of the federal government here in any major way and he recommends dropping the whole problem.”

Dr Jacques Vallee – Physicists / Computer Scientist: “Nobody could get funded, nobody would look at the data seriously because of the prestige of the academy saying that the problem had been solved. The Airforce closed their reporting system so that If the public wanted to report something they would report it to the local police but it would never get the attention of scientists freely examining the phenomena.”

In 1969 The Airforce officially ended its public investigations.

Col. Robert Friend – Director, Project Blue Book (1958-1962): “Which would suggest what, that they knew what it was?”

Or did know what it was “also the other way, and they did know what it was” (with a big smile on his face)

One aspect of the phenomenon that was swept under the rug was the pervasive reporting of UFO intrusions at the world’s most sensitive facilities. Details did not come to light until decades later at the National Press Club on September 2010, in Washington DC.

Robert Hastings – Researcher, UFOs & Nukes: “Declassified US documents and witness testimony from former or retired US Military personnel confirm beyond any doubt the reality of ongoing UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites.”

Capt. Robert Salas (Former USAF) – Missile Launch Officer: “What you have heard here today is evidence of a phenomenon that sounds fantastic and it is fantastic. In 1967 I was a missile launch officer stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.”

1966 Montana – Patrick McDonough – Geodetic Surveyor: “I was the chief of targeting, I was the chief observer. Basically what I was doing was providing precise latitude and longitude on our small 3 man team.”

McDonough: “It came from the north and stopped right over us, and it had a white light from the center looking down into the silo. I said to myself what if this thing beams us up and takes us off to some distant place and never returns to earth again?…..this is what is going through my head here, while this thing is above me. And then from a dead stop, it shoots off to the east, just like now you see it now you don’t.”

Malmstrom AFB, Echo Flight Group:

After a UFO had been spotted over the launch site 8 days earlier, Lieutenant Salas was stationed in his underground launch & control capsule when he received a frantic call from one of his topside guards. “He was screaming into the phone saying they were looking at a red glowing object hovering just above their front gate. Our missiles began going into what is called a “no go condition”, un-launchable, essentially they were disabled.”

In fact 10 missiles began going off line in a matter of seconds, one after the other.

Capt. Robert Jamison (USAF Ret.) – Missile Targeting Officer: “Personally, I am never aware of any two missiles going down at the same time, let alone 10.”

Lt. Col. Dwynne Arneson (USAF Ret.) Communications Officer: “I was a top-secret control officer, and I passed down nuclear launch authenticators” “I clearly recall a message coming through my communications center which basically said that a UFO did in fact shut down several missile silos in Montana.”

1966 South Dakota – Ellsworth Air Force Base – Maj. Gaylan King (USAF Ret.) Ellsworth AFB, SD : “I was on duty at echo which was our squadron command post and we had strike teams that would respond to alarms from the missiles, 3-5 miles away. And they said sir, for lack of a better description, a flying saucer hovering over a missile and there is a beam of reddish light going down to it. It had to be a data collection thing, I am sure they scanned the warhead or something.”

1966 Minot Air Force Base – Lt. David Schuur (USAF Ret.) – Missile Launch Officer: “As this object fast moved to the missile site, we started getting readiness to launch indications on that missile. The bad thing was we also got a launch indicator.” 

Did that mean the launch sequence had been triggered? 

Lt. Schuur: “That means that the missile has received a launch signal…  A countdown had to be manually aborted.”

Missile Launch facilities that have been breached by UFOs:

Larson, Fairchild, Mt. Home, Beale, Ellsworth, Warren, Lowry, Schilling, Walker, Lincoln, Forbes, Altus, Dyess, Plattsburgh

1967 Dr Jacques Vallee – Physicists / Computer Scientist

This was the height of the cold war with forces on both sides loaded with nuclear bombs. He conducted sober, scientific research on the phenomenon. For decades he met with witnesses and traveled the globe gathering evidence. Dr. Vallee ultimately created the first database on the UFO subject.

1978 – Testifying to the United Nations Dr. Vallee: “Mr. Chairman, all the great nations of the world are represented on this committee. Let us keep in mind that the UFO phenomenon may represent an even greater reality.”

Dr. Vallee put together all blue book files. There was a highly secret investigation parallel to project blue book, and it was highly funded, and unknown to all but a select few. Dr Vallee made a chance discovery of a memo that was so secret he had to appeal to the chief counsel of the Senate Appropriations Committee to get it declassified.

Dr. Vallee: “That document changed my life. It told me the subject had been taken much more seriously than anybody thought.“

The document revealed an ultra-secret, highly funded scientific investigation working parallel to Blue Book, unknown to all but a select few. The letter was signed by H.C. Cross director of Exotic Metallurgy at Battell Memorial Institute, U.S. National Labs.

Dr. Vallee: “These were the people that had analyzed the files with highly competent physicists, computer scientists…. Who are these people, what information did they have?”

1980 R.A.F. Bentwaters, England – Col. Charles Halt (USAF Ret.) Deputy Base Commander:

Col. Halt: “In 1980, I was reassigned from the pentagon to RAF Bentwaters, as the Deputy Base Commander. At that time, Bentwaters was one of the largest tactical fighter ranges in the world. It was also the largest American nuclear bomb storage depot in Europe. In December 1980, early in the morning, some of our security policemen discovered strange lights in the forest. Expecting to find a crashed aircraft, they came upon an unrecognizable object resting on the forest floor. They observed it for a period and then it very quickly and silently vanished.”

Two nights later Col Halt received an urgent visit from the base security commander.

Col. Halt: “He was white as a sheet, he said its back, I said what’s back and he said, the UFO. I took several security policemen with me. I also had my small cassette recorder I carried everywhere with me when I was on duty.”

The Recording: “What is it?….   I don’t know sir.“ A strange small red light and all the barnyard animals have gotten quite now, deathly calm. This is weird.”

Col. Halt: “One object approached us at a very high speed.”

Others:  “Here it comes, it is coming toward us now, there appears to be a beam coming down at us we stood there in awe.”

Col. Halt: “Was this a warning? Attempt to communicate, was this a weapon or just a probe?. Just as suddenly as it appeared, click, it disappeared. We stood there in awe. About that time we noticed the other object to the south was sending down beams about a mile or mile and a half away, over Woodbridge base. We had great difficulties communicating, but we were able to discern that some of those beams were either falling into or near the weapons storage area and there was a great deal of concern. I also found out later that both the tower operators saw an object and picked them up their radar and watched it.”

James Carey (USAF Ret.) – Air Traffic Controller, RAF Bentwaters: “I was just sitting there, and I happened to see a dot come on the scope and it just went like one dot at the beginning and another dot and another dot and it was gone and it made an immediate right-hand turn and came right towards the base, absolutely phenomenal.”

Ivan “Ike” Barker (USAF Ret.) – Radar Supervisor, RAF Bentwaters: It was not like any radar target I have ever seen, traveling at extremely, extremely high rate of speed. It passed over the control tower and then it stopped. It was an orangish color, and it popped into my mind at the time that someone was flying a basketball out here. There were lights around the center of it and they were more like port holes and you were seeing the lights from the inside. It hovered momentarily and then reversed course and went back out at a high rate of speed.”

1982 Ukraine – Byelokoroviche Nuclear Base:

According to one secret Soviet document, a UFO hovered over an Ukrainian nuclear base for nearly an hour. Inexplicably, several missiles suddenly switched to full combat readiness and began a launch sequence without any authentication codes. After 15 heart-stopping seconds, the countdown to a potential Armageddon ceased as abruptly as it started.

1994 Three days of sightings across Zimbabwe culminated in what some believe is the most significant encounter in modern history.

ARIEL SCHOOL – Ruwa, Zimbabwe

Tim Leach – BBC Bureau Chief: “We interviewed about 64 children in front of a camera.”

Child G #1: “Well I was running and playing and I saw this maroon color in the sky.”

Child G #2: “We saw this silver thing down there (pointing to the area).”

Child B #3 “It was a silver oval thing that flew past really slowly.”

Child B #4: “I saw the bigger one, a spaceship with like 4 or 5 of them.”

Child B #5: “It was red, green and yellow.”

Child B #6: “There was this big ship that had these lights and these passengers that flew.”

Child G #6: “I thought, no it’s not a UFO, and then I looked carefully at it and I thought, maybe.”

Dozens of children said one or more of disc-shaped objects landed just beyond the far edge of their playground. The next thing they knew, something was standing next to it.

Child G #2: “There was this thing standing by the oval thing and he had big eyes.”

Child G #3: “He had a big head and big black eyes and was dressed in a black bodysuit.”

Child B #7: “They were wearing pure black.”

Child B #4: “And I came down, and I saw a friend of mine with his eyes wide open and I saw a spaceship and there were a few little ones around it.”

Interviewer: “How far away were you when you saw him?”

Child G #3: “Ah, not very far, about a meter away.”

Interviewer: “And how big was the figure?”

Child G #1:  “It was about as big as a 6th grader.”

Colin Mackie – Principal – “I believe that the children did see something.”

This alleged encounter caught the attention of Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard Psychiatrist Dr. John Mack

For the first time in nearly 20 years, the Ariel School children gather from the four corners of the world to talk to each other about the experience they shared that September morning.

One, they all still struggle to understand.

Salma Siddick: – Human Rights Lawyer: “I stand by what I saw, there was no reason for any of us to make that up….. I don’t want to say I knew it, but I knew I didn’t have to be afraid of it.”

Emma Jelic Kristiansen – School Teacher: “I have not spoken to anyone about it, not because I am not proud of it, because I don’t want the stigma…..I kept getting these thoughts in my head of technology, technology is not helping, technology is bad…… as soon as I broke contact, all of those feelings…technology, the bad, horribleness that was happening and going around my body at the time went.”

Lisil Field – Social Worker: “It’s something I’ve had to deal with for 19 ½ years…. They were trying to communicate, trying to tell us something, or something to do with the environment.“

Emma Jelic Kristiansen – School Teacher: “I was with one of the other girls saying to her, this is amazing.”

Kayleigh Van Druten: “We were all just stopped in our tracks….I feel anxious just being back here right now.”

Kudzanai Munya: “A little blue man appeared on top of the actual craft, and that moment for me was very distinct because I saw that was not human.”

Emily Trim – Artist: “I was just completely engulfed in his eyes… there was no talking, it was just images in the head, telepathic communication……and we are going down a wrong path and we have to start recognizing that what we are doing is detrimental and we need to make changes. I don’t know what to do with that or….. They were reaching out to us, it was as if the thing wanted us to go with them… at that moment was kinda when I snapped right out of the trance.”

Salma Siddick – Human Rights Lawyer: “The eyes, that moment for however long it was, I have no ideal of the time frame, it was mesmerizing.”

Francis Chirimuuta: “I can feel it right now, I was, I was scared.”

Zara de Veron – School Teacher: “They came running up here, in a panic, screaming, you cannot make that up.”

Susan Kristiansen – Mother of Emma: “I was there when they were interviewing them and saw the way they were and it was a huge big mess and muddled up with people everywhere, just asking questions straight off without telling the children what they were doing and why they were doing anything.”

Salma Siddick – Human Rights Lawyer: “It was chaos in terms of the media and what was going on and us being so young and not even being allowed time to comprehend what we had seen. The teachers really did not believe what we had seen.”

We went back to the school one last time to meet Judy Bates, a teacher at the time of the incident and now Headmistresses. Something was weighing on her that she wanted to tell the children.

Judy Bates – Headmistress, Ariel School: “Yes, I wanted to apologize, I should have taken more serious, but I didn’t, at the time I was more concerned about me than them and what was going on in my own experience.”

Interviewer: “And if you could summarize in just one sentence what took place September 1994 here at Ariel School, Ruwa, Zimbabwe, what would you say?”

Judy Bates: “Aliens visited us, and that is about it, yes. And that is if you believe it and if you don’t you don’t.”

2017 – Washington, D.C. – Senators Begin Covert Investigation Into UFO’s.

In 2007 Senator Reid persuaded two other Senators, Senator Ted Stephens and Senator Daniel Inouye to secretly allocate millions from the Defense Dept. funds to investigate UFOs. The Covert Program operated from the end of the Bush administration to 2017.

In December 2017, the lid blew off. At long last the government was admitting a modern-day program to investigate UFOs and released startling official evidence, including videotapes from the cockpits of military aircraft. One of those photos is below and shows the craft traveling against a headwind of 140 mph.

These are some images from US Fighter Aircraft showing a UFO pursuit.

One of the key authors at the time of the New York Times story that blew the cover-up was investigative journalist Leslie Kean. She went to meet Luis Elizondo, who had just resigned from his position as head of the secret Pentagon UFO program.

Kean: “I was invited to this meeting they wanted me to meet Mr. Elizondo to see what could happen.”

Elizondo’s colleagues took her aside to reveal some extraordinary documentation related to the program.

Kean: “I wasn’t allowed to take anything with me. The most important evidence that was shared with me at the meeting regarding the phenomenon itself was the videos.”

Christopher Mellon – Former Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, U.S. Defense Dept.  

Mellon: “I received the video’s, the now famous videos in the Pentagon parking lot from the Defense Dept. Official that still had the originals in the packaging….. This is a case where somebody bent the rules a little bit and they did so for the larger good and we are absolutely all better off because of it…. In the end I have to say I was still extraordinarily disappointed with the NYT, because they focused on this small AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) but the real story in my mind at least should have been, these things are real, they are here, this is happening now.”

2004 Tic-Toc Incident:

One of the Pentagon cases reported by the NYT was an encounter by naval aircraft about 200 miles off the coast of San Diego CA.

CMDR. David Fravor – Navy Strike Fighter Squadron – Investigated mysterious craft:

CMDR. Fravor: “5,500 people that were on the USS Nimitz in 2004 when this happened, and I guarantee every single one of them knows that this event happened.”

Fravor was leading a training exercise from the Nimitz when he was abruptly ordered to an unknown target that had appeared on one of the ship’s radar scopes.

CMDR. Fravor: – investigated mysterious aircraft. “We were to suspend the training and investigate the situation.”

He and another F-18 Super Hornet, each carrying two airmen, zoomed toward the coordinates. When they arrived, they saw what appeared to be a large object slightly below the surface of the ocean, with a strange white oval-shaped craft, darting around in the air just above it.

CMDR. Fravor: “If you picture a tic-tac about 40 feet long and round on both ends, no rivets, no metals, smooth, white, no wings, no propulsion, no window. It did not matter which way it was pointing because as it was moving over the water it would never turn, it never changed its longitudinal axis, it was just shifting from one position to another….. I said, hey, I am going to check that out…. Then all of a sudden I just see it turn its body (quickly) and start coming up at me.… I thought that was rather interesting.”

CMDR. Fravor: “We were just looking at it and circled around it. Then I knew where it was going so I’ll just go over there, and then all of a sudden it just disappeared.”

CMDR. Fravor: “Nothing accelerates that fast, you are talking, your are talking something that not only accelerated beyond anything we had seen but it just disappeared… the controller comes on and says, hey you are not going to believe this but that thing is back at your cad point.”

Meaning the object had instantly re-appeared at the precise secret coordinates of the fleet’s critical aerial defense zone.

CMDR. Fravor: “it obviously had some awareness, it knew where we were going, I am pretty weirded out!”

More jets equipped with the Navy’s most advanced radar and visual tracking systems were scrambled. This time capturing the object on video.

CMDR. Fravor: “First thing you get is a little blip on the radar, and he put his cursors on it and tries to grab a lock on it. Basically, when you take a lock, you tell the radar to lock on that location and stare at it and put all the energy on that point. Well, as soon as it does, the radar gets indications that it is being jammed by the object that the radar is trying to lock on to….. the infrared sees differing temperatures and the tic-toc is actually hotter than the air around it. It does not have to be by much…. They were driving straight at it while it was just hovering and then all of a sudden it just goes poof, and takes off out of sight…..I just don’t know, I doubt that we have developed that type technology yet.”

Christopher Mellon: “I interviewed 3 of the 4 aviators who with Dave during that encounter and it was readily apparent to everybody involved that, that vehicle had what they call dominant battle space awareness. It was in control of that engagement from the outset. There was no question that it completely outmatched our front-line fighters.”

Mellon: “I served on the Special Access Program Oversight Committee, so I had access to all the black programs in those days. We know perfectly well that there is nothing like that behind the scenes or on the drawing boards.”

Senator Harry Reid who instigated the secret pentagon UFO Program confirmed what nuclear launch officers had been reporting for decades. UFOs have interfered with our country’s most powerful weapons.

Senator Reid: “There’s more than one up there…. If they had been called upon by the President to launch, they couldn’t have done it.”

Interviewer: “Did you have anybody in the Defense Department, the Pentagon, pull you aside and bend your ear and say, why are you doing this?”

Senator Reid: “They did everything they could to stop the program from going forward and gave the person that came in initially such a bad time and he was fortunate to have hung on to his job, because they were trying to get rid of him, because they wanted nothing to do with this. The Defense Intelligence Agency was one of the worst. They drug their feet even though it was one of their senior scientists that thought they should look at this. Remember, all we were saying is nobody has to agree why it is there, but shouldn’t we at least be spending some money to study all these phenomena, shouldn’t we study this stuff? The answer is yes, and that is all this was about. And why the federal government all these years has covered up, put brake pads on everything, stopped it. I think it is very, very bad for our country.”

Interviewer: “I interviewed Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper back in the 90s. Cooper said on camera that there was a landed UFO in 1957 at an Air Force base that was captured on film this object and that he presented this to his higher ups and eventually a courier jet came in from Washington and he handed the footage over to them and that was the last he saw of it.”

1998 Interviewer: “Do you know where that footage went of the flying saucer that landed on the tarmac?”

Gordon Cooper: ”It went to Washington is all I know.”

1998 Interviewer: “Did you ever keep in touch with anybody about it?”

Gordon Cooper: “How would I keep in touch with anybody about it? There is no way within the military or the government of keeping track of something that is classified.”

Fox to Reid: “Did you try to go after stuff like this?”

Senator Reid: “We did, we have, it’s there…most of it has not seen the light of day.”  

Christopher Mellon: “Astronaut Cooper had spoken with the President at a cabinet meeting and he raised this with Sec. of Defense William Cohen, and then Cohen’s office called me and asked me to pursue this and chase it down.”

Christopher Mellon: “The Air Force Col. that I spoke to, got very frustrated, and when I asked him what happened to all these records he said, well that was all cleaned up or thrown out to save space, or something like that. It sounded lubricious, but that is what he told me.”

Christopher Mellon: “If there is some recovered debris, it is so deeply buried and squirreled away that its outside of those normal oversight processes.”


Dr Jacques Vallee – Physicists / Computer Scientist

Has collected pro-ported debris from UFO cases dating as far back as 1947. The experts are analyzing in a state-of-the-art laboratory.

Dr. Vallee: The break has come to the point where we have a machine which can look at the atomic structure, and at that point the atomic structure is impossible to fake.”

Gary Nolan, PH.D.: “This device is a multi-parameter ion beam imager. This device allows the materials to be analyzed down to their individual atoms.”

When Dr. Nolan placed some fragments in the vacuum chamber of the instrument, he was astonished to find that the composition was unlike any known metal.

No matter where he looked in the sample’s jumble of elements, whether magnesium, iron, nickel or titanium, the ratio of isotopes didn’t make any sense.

Dr. Nolan:  “If you are talking about the advance material from an advanced civilization, you are talking about something I’ll just call an “ultra-material”, it is something which has properties where somebody has put it together at the atomic scale. We are building our world with 80 elements; somebody else is building their world with 253 different isotopes… I intend to use the information to try to build something, to try to understand the physical principle that we don’t know today.”

Dr. Vallee:  “This material was manufactured, it is not natural, it  is not natural to the materials we have around us, in the lab or on the earth. It does not mean that it was necessarily made someplace in outer space, it just means that it was manufactured especially for a particular purpose that we don’t understand, and we want to understand it.”

Mellon: “There is an immense array of unanswered questions. When we observe some of these craft doing, think about the possibilities, what we may discover technologically. How we might solve the energy crisis, how we might raise our standards of living. There is an urgent need in my view to get to the bottom of it. We do not know the origin of these vehicles, nor the intent of those controlling them.”