EARLY DAYS Aliens ? CRAFT ORIGIN UAP HISTORY THE RUSE CRAFT DESIGN Slide ALIENS ? Slide THE UFO/UAP AND ALIEN RUSE It is important to bring up the topic of UFOs, also known as UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), and the aliens associated with them.

There is a very obscure verse in Genesis 6:4 about the fallen angels (sons of God) procreating with the daughters of men and creating giants, the Nephilim, and the fallen ones creating the Rephaim, which are the dead that became demons after their death.

God said He'll send strong delusion because they refuse to love the truth, so that they believe a lie, and we're constantly being set up on television and movies about an alien invasion that will be coming in the future.

Jacques Vallee, Jay Allen Heinek, and many other secular ufologists have all determined that there is a paranormal spiritual aspect to the alien abduction phenomenon. The craft and creatures are not intergalactic in origin but are interdimensional and come from what the Bible calls the second heaven or the atmosphere above the Earth. We know that Satan is the prince of the power of the air, and at some point, men's hearts will fail them for what they see coming up on the earth, Luke 21:26.

Jacques Vallee, a secular researcher, even said that the stories of alien abduction have more to do with the medieval stories of demonic attack than anything. Jay Allen Heinek said they were messengers of deception. Jacques Vallee called them messengers of deception.

Joe Jordan was an atheist, then he joined the New Age cult, and at one point, he realized someone had stopped an alien abduction by using the name and authority of Jesus Christ. He started talking to his fellow New Agers, and they realized something was phenomenal with this because they thought no one could prevent alien abductions. They went further and contacted MUFON and found they had covered up 400 cases of people terminating alien abductions by calling on Jesus Christ. MUFON did not want to intermingle a spiritual aspect to the abductions because it could affect the narrative.

Numerous occultists have witnessed other occultists summoning UFOs. These are spiritual entities manifesting as various alien creatures, which claim to be from locations such as the Pleiades cluster, Zeta Reticuli, and other distant star systems.

These creatures are not good. They are not our space brothers. They are here to deceive us, and they will manifest in any role necessary to deceive us, separate us from God, and drive us to destruction. Some will proclaim to be our friends, while others abduct and torture their human captives under the guise of understanding the human genome. There are many claims where these creatures extract semen and eggs from humans, implying they are creating hybrids or modifications of God's design. Some of these creatures go as far as proclaiming they are our creators and seeded Earth many eons ago.
Slide Every nation on Earth has stories about divine beings coming down and procreating with humans, giving birth to demigods like Hercules, Thor, and the Titans.

According to Zecharia Sitchin, who propagated the Anunnaki and Ancient Alien Theory along with Erich von Däniken, Sitchin had no formal training in Sumerian language, and many of his translations are clearly fraudulent. Erich von Däniken is a convicted criminal and was prosecuted two times for fraud and embezzlement. According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki were worshiped by the Sumerians, and the Anunnaki came from Nibiru, which was a planet beyond Pluto. Supposedly, Nibiru cycles close to the Earth every 3600 years. When the Anunnaki passed by one time, they came to Earth and genetically engineered primates to create us so we could mine the gold for them.

The truth is that the University of Pennsylvania has one of the most exhaustive sources of Sumerian language study. They have an online database that anyone can access called “The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature,” and if you search for the Anunnaki, you will get about 182 hits. There are no texts at all, not even a single line that affirms the Anunnaki were from or associated with Nibiru. The Anunnaki show up, but not in the context Sitchin promoted. There are figurines that the Sitchinites claim are the Anunnaki, which have a reptilian look. However, the figurines were discovered at the Ur site. Two of them come from Pit F, which were dated to the early Ubaid era, which is prehistoric (before language), and were found along with pottery, pounders, grinders, flint hoes, along with other “rubbish” piles or garbage pits, which is not where you would expect to find worshiping figurines or sacred objects. In reality, the use of these figurines is unknown, and there is nothing that associates them with the Anunnaki.

The nature of the Anunnaki does not mean, as Sitchin claimed, that it translated to “those who from heaven came” but rather “princely seed” or someone who is highly born or noble or of nobility. On the internet, you also see a translation “offspring of Annu, the sky god,” which is not a good translation either. The truth is that most of the uses of the Anunnaki were for a group of gods in Mesopotamia religion. They were high gods or gods of the underworld or low status. A good source of what they were can be found at the University of Pennsylvania “The Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses Project.” To date, there are no known artistic pictures of the Anunnaki, and there is no evidence they were even worshiped. There is no evidence they were extraterrestrials, and they were not the serpentine Ubaid figures.

Erich Anton Paul von Däniken, also known as Eric Von Daniken, was born in Switzerland in 1935. Raised a strict Catholic, in Catholic school he developed an interest in UFOs, like many youths in the early 1950s. He had a criminal record. He was convicted of theft when he was 19, and he left school to become a hotelier. He was convicted of embezzlement after leaving that job. He took another hotel position and stole money there too by falsifying records to obtain tens of thousands in fraudulent loans to finance his interest in space aliens and what the court later called his “playboy lifestyle.” The court psychiatrist declared him a pathological liar. Eventually, he would be convicted of embezzlement and fraud yet again, serving a year in prison. He was asked by some investigators how “Chariots of the Gods” came about and he stated: Religion – that’s it in a nutshell - I hate religion, That’s the whole thing.
Slide Michael Heiser, a well-known biblical scholar who has authored numerous books and media about "The Unseen Realm," provides his perspective on the connection between UAPs and aliens. He goes on to explain that some ufologists believe there is no connection between aliens and the spiritual realm. He believes there is a real connection between a sinister supernatural influence and the creatures some describe as aliens.

Heiser expands by stating that this unseen realm is very dark and has an evil proclivity that targets Christians specifically. These entities want to imply that Jesus was nothing more than just a man. Jacques Vallee, a non-Christian famous for UAP/UFO investigations, was one of the first to acknowledge the seriously sinister nature of UFO abductions.
Slide Michael Heiser addresses the issue of alien children or hybrids, which often involves abductees being told that the child would be special and would help humanity. While some of these cases could be the result of human ritual abuse, there is certainly a more menacing and underlying evil present in some abduction events. The most obvious cases of demonic involvement can be characterized by the fact that the subject of the abduction targets the abductor or creatures and invokes the name of Christ. Going forward, these events stop completely. Often, these activities run in families or are recurrent events for the victims. HEISER ON HYBRID & ABDUCTIONS Slide Heiser makes a great point that there is no better way for evil to infiltrate modern man than to package old lies about man's spiritual existence into something that modern man could perceive as god-like, such as an alien from another system. The message that we receive from this is the transformation of a heavenly existence into one of space and travel without any accountability to anyone.

Through this messaging, we can eventually become god-like ourselves with the knowledge gained from extraterrestrials. This is a way to divert our attention from our God-creator and to obscure Him with the wonders of space and these aliens.
Slide Of course, one of the most popular forms of UFO/UAP information regarding aliens is the series "Ancient Aliens," which uses the foundation of the works of Zechariah Sitchin. Sitchin claimed the ability to translate ancient Sumerian language and proposed the existence of a civilization of aliens called the "Anunnaki" on the planet Nibiru. According to Sitchin's theory, the Anunnaki came to Earth because they needed gold to repair their atmosphere. When they arrived at Earth, they genetically modified apes into our present form to mine gold for them.

Unfortunately, this theory has been proven false by the evidence. If you search online for the term "Anunnaki" in all of the Mesopotamian texts that Sitchin cites, you will find that there isn't a single tablet that mentions the Anunnaki on Nibiru. Additionally, Nibiru is described as Jupiter or Mercury, or simply as a star. It is never described as a planet in the outer reaches of the solar system, as Sitchin claimed. Finally, you won't find any evidence of the core ideas of Sitchin's mythology, such as the Anunnaki riding in a craft.